"Re-wrote the history books on networking for me. Brilliantly organised... And a highly talented and experienced bunch of people to be with. Yes it really was a great night. Still buzzing!" (Jacqueline Redmond)

If you are craving real-world connection with people who share your commitment to making a difference BUT... you hear the word 'networking' and cringe....never fear! We've got your back. 

This isn't just networking. This is networking Actually style! Good food. Good bubbles. Good company. Good conversation and good tips. 

Who knows, you might even walk away at the end of the night - with nearly 40 new ideas for promoting your business - as George did after June's event: 

‘A huge thank you from me as well - to everyone!  Re-reading through my list of notes from last night I've got a massive 37 completely separate new ideas, all of which could individually be transformative, let alone collectively.  You are all amazing.’ (George Gilbert)

Our next Actually Notorious Networking event will take place in September. Here are the details:  

Date: Friday 8 December 2023

Time: 7pm-11pm (please be prompt)

Location: Central London

Dress code: A dash of orange

My training, your nibbles and beverages (up to a point) are all included in the price.

Don't get FOMO...come and join us!

"A fabulous evening. Great company, oodles of creative inspiration and a wonderful reminder of what is possible when committed people come together to support each other in making their difference. Thank you for your magic..." (Maggie Rose Cunningham)




© Actually 2023


8th DECEMBER 2023